Discord Malware Targets NFT Community

Discord is a very popular social media platform for not only gamers but technology enthusiasts as well. It hosts multiple communities which originate from specific walks of life, and they’re just happen to be a few communities regarding crypto and non-fungible tokens as well. Recently there has been this malware campaign going on that specifically targets the crypto and NFT oriented discord communities, and this campaign has recently been discovered by Bleeping Computer, which is a technology reporting blog. A crypter by the name of Babadeda is being used by malicious actors to abuse the popular chat service, Discord.

This literally translates into grandma and grandpa as per the Russian language. Another cybersecurity firm Morphisec was able to first discover this malware distribution campaign going on discord earlier this week. Mines of Dalarna is a popular blockchain game that is being made available on Discord by these malicious actors as an attempt to trick users so they could download this fake software. Morphisec was also able to determine the precise location of the operation for this malware campaign through interpreting the HTML object for one of the decoy sites; it is being said that this whole campaign is being orchestrated from a Russian-speaking country.

Discord has Fallen Victim to On-Going Crypto Oriented Malicious Campaign

Not only this, but these malicious actors are also trying to impersonate some of the most popular websites related to multiple crypto-oriented companies such as Larva Labs and OpenSea. For those users who have fallen for this trickery, they see a fake error emerging on their screens that there was some problem installing the game, which is the perfect deception technique to make these users believe that the task couldn’t get completed in the first place. But at the same time, the installer continues to remain open and do its job in the background.

These cybercriminals are possibly trying to go after the crypto wallets and NFT for multiple Discord users out there. It comes as no surprise that Discord has fallen to this malware campaign because recently, it became home to many cryptos and NFT users, where they can communicate with each other and share their agendas and thoughts on different subjects. Discord has terminated its plan to incorporate the Ethereum network into the platform as it did face a very severe backlash from its customers earlier this month, so the whole project is now terminated.

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